Total Medals Earned: 1,984 (From 373 different games.) Total Medal Score: 28,445 Points
Medals Earned: 2/9 (15/140 points)
Collect three Golden Harpoons!
Kill yourself with a Red Barrier!
Kill a Slimy with your Harpoon.
Collect six Golden Harpoons!
Watch this mysterious stranger blink.
Kill yourself with your own Harpoon!
Collect the Golden Harpoon found in Scary Places.
Collect the last of every goldfish out there in the void.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 5/13 (170/460 points)
Kill bird at least once
Reach Springfield
Complete the Game!
Shoot Maud's ghost 5 times in a row
Shoot Jebediah Springfield's head off
Shoot Otto's Earphones
Get a 3 hit combo on todd's body
Shoot Fat Tony's cup
Convert all the Heathens on the Bonus Level
Kill everyone in springfield
Kill each member of the Flanders super fast!
Complete the game 3 times in one session!
Medals Earned: 11/18 (390/660 points)
Watching kredit make me STRONG
*Obnoxious Airhorn Sound*
Achieve the Rank CA
Achieve the Rank GI
Achieve the Rank IRO
Achieve the Rank PD
Achieve the Rank TB
Find all 60 unique fails
Listen to a song linked in the credits
Where is he?
Stuck the landing
You knew he'd be in this game somewheres
Wake up and smell the snow
Get a total of 101 fails
Unlock every medal, then click the icon (ingame)
Medals Earned: 1/4 (10/110 points)
Stomp 100 Flies total
Have over 1,000 coins at once
Buy 5 Magnet Upgrades
Get into space.
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/135 points)
Beat a level without using all of the required folds.
Get a total score of 1700.
Get a total score of 3400(100% on every level)
Medals Earned: 15/30 (110/360 points)
Take the freeway exit.
Jump onto a moving vehicle!
Steal a motorcycle.
Drive on oncoming lane for 500 points.
Steal a police car.
Jump off a vehicle shortly before it explodes.
Reach the fifth finish line.
Reach the right-most finish line.
Barely make the jump to another vehicle.
Drive on oncoming lane for 1500 points.
Drive fast then jump on an oncoming vehicle.
Destroy a vehicle.
Reach the left-most finish line.
Reach the second finish line.
Reach the third finish line.
Reach the fourth finish line.
Reach the sixth finish line.
Jump onto 3 vehicles in a row.
Take the exit from the oncoming lane!
Jump onto 6 vehicles in a row.
Drive on oncoming lane for 3000 points.
Jump onto 8 vehicles in a row.
Medals Earned: 5/21 (25/270 points)
Grind against another vehicle.
Jump onto another vehicle!
Drive on the oncoming lane for 500 points.
Steal a speedboat.
Escape from the helicopter.
Jump between flying jet planes! Insane!!!
Hijack a jet plane?!
Steal a tank.
Enter Fury Mode.
Drive on the oncoming lane for 1500 points.
Destroy another vehicle.
Destroy a tank (besides your own).
Drive on the oncoming lane for 3000 points.
Defeat the final boss and save humanity!
Medals Earned: 2/8 (15/205 points)
Find the whip.
Find the mace.
Find the pistol.
Save your dad.
Save your mom.
Save your sister.
Medals Earned: 3/12 (25/500 points)
Finish the tutorial
Kill 20 Enemies in one playthrough
Kill the first stage of the boss
Buy all weapons in the shop
Kill the first stage of the boss without taking any damage
Kill the second stage of the boss
Buy all of the items in the shop
Buy all HP upgrades
Kill the second stage of the boss without taking any damage
Kill the third stage of the boss and complete the game
Kill the third stage of the boss without taking any damage
Medals Earned: 3/34 (20/500 points)
Beat level 1
Use a health kit
Complete Competitive Mode
Beat level 1 in 2-Players mode
Use 5 health kits in one game session
Beat the first boss in level 5
Finish the secret level
Finish 2-Players Mode
Defeat the second boss
Unlock 2-Players Mode
Finish 2-Player Mode with both players about to die
Collect 5 health kits in one game session
Finish the game in noob style
You so love it
Save the game 100 times!
Defeat the rock boss (third boss)
Defeat the last boss in any difficulty
Find the first and easiest secret of Acrade Mode
Finish the game in player style
Finish Competitive Mode with a player getting 10 or more points
Unlock Competitive Mode
Find the second secret in Arcade Mode
Get the three blue stars in the secret level
Finish the game in 1-life mode (OMG i can't believe it!)